Painting Your Path
If you’ve asked yourself “Am I living the life I want to live or have I been living for someone else?” Maybe you’re 40+ and asking: “What do I really want to do when I grow up?” If so, this podcast is for you. It’s time for you to do the thing you’ve been waiting to do but maybe didn’t think it was possible. Here’s what I know: You can be, do, and have whatever you set your mind to. Create life on your terms. This podcast features interviews with inspiring people who share their stories about stepping out and creating a life they love. You can also expect solo episodes where I share what’s on my mind and heart, all to help you continue to paint your path.
Painting Your Path
Why I Do What I Do: Solo Episode
Every month in my online community, we have a word of the month. January was DREAM. It’s the start of the calendar year, a perfect time to reimagine, set goals. Create your vision board or at least think about what you want to put on it.
February is all about DECIDING. Deciding your dream is worth it. That you’re worth it. In today’s episode, I share my story about DREAMING about coaching and then finally doing it. This episode was inspired by one of my past clients, Nancy. I’ll have her link in the shownotes. Recently I had a conversation with her and she said “this needs to be a podcast episode!”
Connect with me:
- Free masterclass Feb 13,14,15: Unlock Your Brilliance - Be Seen. Be Heard. Be Aligned. https://fromemployee2entrepreneur.live/feb2024
- Apply to the February Painting Your Path™ group program here
- Ready for a change but not sure what to do next? Let’s connect over coffee: https://calendly.com/clarissaramsey/painting-your-path-coffee-chat
- Free resource guide: roadmap to help you paint your path: https://clarissastudio.activehosted.com/f/7
- Join my free online community, Painting Your Path™️: www.facebook.com/groups/paintingyourpath/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr.clarissacastilloramsey/
- Would you like to support the show? https://www.buymeacoffee.com/clarissaramsey
Shoutout to my former client Nancy! Check out her website and beautiful work: https://www.fairwindsllamas.com/
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