Painting Your Path

A Story of Finding My Voice: Solo Episode

September 12, 2024 Clarissa Castillo-Ramsey

Can you remember a time when your voice was stifled? When your dreams were smothered by expectations? Maybe you felt alone and trapped, too. I spent years conforming, trying to fit into a mold that wasn't made for me. This episode mirrors a recent newsletter I sent out to my e-community. (Maybe you saw it?) I felt a nudge to share it out with more people because I know there’s more people out there who don’t feel comfortable in their own skin. I think before we can achieve the things we want to achieve, we first get to be comfortable with who.we.are…

I’ve spent a lifetime getting comfortable! And I’m still a work in progress. You’ll hear a little bit about the environment I grew up in. This episode is a very personal one! I hope you enjoy it.

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