Painting Your Path

Following the Pull: Interview with Ellie Foden

Clarissa Castillo-Ramsey Season 3 Episode 41

Have you ever had an idea that kept coming back? Like someone repeatedly tapping you on the shoulder. That’s your intuition trying to get your attention.

My intuition has said plenty to me…

  • Don’t go down that dark alley by yourself
  • Quit this horrific job! This workplace is a hell hole!
  • Write a book
  • Start coaching
  • Create your own art stage
  • Lead a women’s retreat

Intuition can be an elusive concept. Today’s podcast guest and Painting Your Path™ to Self-Expression virtual retreat facilitator, Ellie Foden, and I dive into intuition and why you ought to heed the call the next time intuition comes knocking.

In our conversation we dive into: 

  • Honoring your intuition (her story is quite a strong testament to that!) 
  • The call to courage: having the conviction to bravely follow your own path
  • Unlocking authentic expression through your art and how that is the magnet to paying customers/clients/raving fans

Here’s more about Ellie: Ellie is a vogue-featured fashion designer, entrepreneur, yoga + meditation teacher of 12 years, and the creator of MAVERICK MIND co: a podcast and mentorship space to guide creative minds towards anchored self-assurance, authentic creative expression, and soulful business success. She is obsessed with drawing together both the spiritual and the strategy on the creative path, to empower you to design your own path to freedom on your terms.

Connect with Ellie:

Ellie's free gift: A free 3-day challenge to unlock the roadblocks in your way from making a living from your art:

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